• Self-Directed Learning (Online)

Autonomous learning, self-reflective tasks, inner motivation to meet the needs of 21st century learners.

As a busy educator, you've got enough on your plate. When was the last time you took a step back to think about how you're teaching, and whether or not your students are getting all they can out of your lectures? 

Each of the intellectual and creative thinking questions in the chart-such as multiple choice questions and discussions-can easily be incorporated into active learning lectures through teaching platforms like EDMODO-khanacademy - British Council among others . 

These questions help you achieve the fundamental objective of Bloom's Taxonomy: to bridge the learning gap between what you're teaching and what students are understanding.

Educational_Platform© 2023  British Council Affiliated  SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION DEL DISTRITO DEBORA ARANGO PEREZ IED (National Bilingual School)   
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