English Conversations: Favorite Questions I

  1. What's your favorite food?
  2. What's your favorite fast food restaurant?
  3. What's your favorite kind of music?
  4. What's your favorite kind of movies?
  5. What's your favorite department store?

English Conversations about Movies

  1. Who is your favorite actor /actress? Can you talk to me a little bit about his /her movies?
  2. What's your favorite movie? What's your favorite movie genre?
  3. Do you watch movies on Netflix? What do you think about some Netflix Originals?
  4. How often do you watch movies?
  5. What's better for you? Going to the theaters or streaming a movie at home?

ESL Conversations: Conditional Questions

  1. What would you do if somebody stole your car?
  2. What would you do if you saw a man trying to steal your car?
  3. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
  4. If you were powerful enough to change the world,what would you change?
  5. If you were given three wishes, what would you wish

Friends Conversation Questions

  1. What's a friend?
  2. What makes a good friend?
  3. What makes a bad friend?
  4. Do you make friends easily?
  5. Do you make friends easily?

Holidays Conversation Questions

  1. What's your favorite holiday?
  2. When is that holiday celebrated?
  3. Do you celebrate that holiday with your family or with your friends?
  4. Is gift giving a part of that holiday?
  5. What do you like the most about that holiday?

Conversation Questions about Computers

  1. Do you know a lot about computer?
  2. What antivirus do you have in your computer?
  3. How often do you use computers?
  4. Do you have a laptop? Wha's your laptop brand?
  5. Can you access the internet at home?

Social Networks Conversation Questions

  1. What social networks do you usually use?
  2. What social networks did you use to have?
  3. How much time do you spend on social media?
  4. What are some benefits of having social networks in our lives?
  5. What are some bad points of having social networks

English Conversations: Favorite Questions II

Conversation Questions About Celebrities

  1. Do you watch gossip TV programs ?
  2. Have you ever watched TMZ?
  3. Do you have any favorite TV show from the E Entertainment Television?
  4. What celebrities do you follow on social media?
  5. Do you follow Entertainment News pages or sites?

ESL Conversation Questions: Have you ever...?

  1. Have you ever lost your wallet?
  2. Have you ever shot a gun?
  3. Have you been abroad?
  4. Have you ever broken a bone?
  5. Have you ever skipped classes?

Neighborhood Conversation Questions

  1. When did you move into the neighborhood?
  2. How was it different than it is today?
  3. Do you like your neighborhood? What do you like about it?
  4. Does your neighborhood have all the facilities you need? What would you like to add?
  5. What would you like to change about your neighborhood?

School Conversation Questions

  1. Where did you go to school / highschool?
  2. Did you have to wear a uniform when you were in school / highschool?
  3. What was your favorite subject in school / highschool?
  4. Who was your favorite teacher in school / highschool?
  5. Did you study languages in school / highschool?

30 Brilliant Conversation Starters for the ESL Classroom

  1. What is the most beautiful song you have heard?
  2. Where is the most beautiful place you have been?
  3. What is the most beautiful thing in your life?
  4. What sports do you like to play or watch?
  5. If you had intro music, what song would it be? Why?  

Conversation Questions about Careers and Jobs

  1. What social networks do you usually use?
  2. What social networks did you use to have?
  3. How much time do you spend on social media?
  4. What are some benefits of having social networks in our lives?
  5. What are some bad points of having social networks

50 Conversation Questions about Entertainment

  1. What were some of the TV Shows or cartoons that you watched when you were a child?
  2. Who don't you like to be with while watching television ?
  3. What is your favorite TV Show character ?
  4. Do you watch soap operas? Does anyone in your family do? If so who?
  5. What do you think about sport channels?

English Conversations: Favorite Questions III

Science and Technology Questions

  1. What are some computer brands?
  2. What are some computer operating systems?
  3. What are the most used internet browsers?
  4. what are some key antivirus?
  5. what are some advantages or disadvantages of computers?

Air Pollution Vocabulary and Questions

  1. What's air pollution?
  2. What are the main sources of air pollution?
  3. What's the main cause of air pollution?
  4. What should we do to reduce air pollution?
  5. Carpooling is a way to reduce air pollution, what stops from carpooling to work?

Water Pollution Vocabulary and Questions

  1. What's water pollution?
  2. What are some types of water pollution?
  3. How do we detect water pollution?
  4. What is acid rain and how does it develop?
  5. How does urbanization contribute to water pollution?

Mass Media Conversation Questions

  1. Should media outlets be punished for false information?
  2. How can the media be helpful to people?
  3. How can the media harm people?
  4. Should the media show graphic violence? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think the media have too much power?

Music Conversation Questions

  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. What type of music do you dislike?
  3. How often do you like to music?
  4. Where do you listen to music?
  5. Do you listen to music on spotify?

Thanksgiving Conversation Questions

  1. What do you know about Thanksgiving?
  2. Is Thanksgiving celebrated in your country?
  3. What foods do you usually eat for Thanksgiving?
  4. What time do people start eating during Thanksgiving?
  5. What do you do after the Thanksgiving dinner?

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